Easy Miles ? Do St. Peter Driving Conditions Affect Service Intervals?

Have you ever noticed that your vehicle has a schedule in your owner’s manual for what is called “severe service” maintenance? Let’s define what severe driving conditions aren’t: The easiest driving a vehicle experiences is traveling on the interstate for 20 miles (32 kilometers) or more at a constant rate of 65 miles per hour (105 kilometers per hour) in 75°F (24°C) weather with only passengers on board. Change any one of those parameters and you are adding stress to your engine. Change them significantly and you are driving under severe conditions.

Let’s look at the parameters one a time. First, the length of the trip. Short trips around St. Peter are harder on an engine than longer ones. As your engine cools down, water in the air condenses onto the engine. When you heat the engine again, the water evaporates off. This is healthy. But on short trips, the engine doesn’t stay hot enough long enough for all of the water to evaporate. So it starts to build up in the engine oil leading to sludge, which can clog up your engine and lead to serious engine damage. If most or all of your trips around the St. Peter area are less than four miles, you should be using the severe service maintenance schedule. Changing your oil more frequently at Autotronics of St. Peter in St. Peter will help prevent the formation of sludge.

Most of us St. Peter drivers think of severe MN weather conditions when we think of severe driving conditions. And we’re right. Cold MN weather takes its toll on the oil in your vehicle. Remember how water has to evaporate out of the oil to keep your engine healthy? It can take up to ten miles of driving for an engine to get hot enough to get rid of moisture in the oil when the weather is cold.

Hot St. Peter weather is also bad for vehicles. When an engine runs, it gets hot. The longer it runs, the hotter it gets. If it gets too hot, it breaks down. So it has to be constantly cooled to keep running. Hot MN weather means your cooling system has to work harder to keep your engine from getting too hot.

So, in the end, most of us St. Peter auto owners drive under severe conditions some of the time. Smart St. Peter residents will ask themselves the question: “Should I follow the severe service maintenance schedule?” An honest evaluation of our driving habits is the best way to determine which schedule to follow.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082


What You Need to Know from Your Autotronics of St. Peter Service Advisor

St. Peter drivers may feel intimidated when they take their vehicles to a service center. They have questions but aren’t sure how to ask. They don’t want to feel embarrassed about their lack of knowledge. They don’t want to make the service technician feel that they don’t trust him.

If your service advisor at Autotronics of St. Peter uses a term you don’t understand, just ask him to explain. Remember, they are the auto service experts. If they came to your place of work, they probably wouldn’t understand the jargon, either. When you take your vehicle in to be serviced, make sure you understand the financial issues up front. Ask about payment policies, warranties and, of course, the cost of the work being done.

It helps to understand basic services your vehicle needs. Know the difference between a quick check-up and a thorough inspection, which you are getting and which you are asking for. Understand that diagnosing a problem takes time, and time isn’t free. If you have concerns about cost, negotiate your limits before service is done. Don’t be afraid to ask your service advisor for auto advice on how to keep your vehicle on the road within your budget. He can help you prioritize your vehicle’s needs. Some repairs are for the safety and future health of your vehicle. Others can wait. Your Autotronics of St. Peter service advisor can help you set up a plan to get all the work done as you can afford it.

It may be tempting for St. Peter drivers to save money with budget parts. Your service advisor can help you to sort through the options to work within your budget. High-quality parts are always preferable for any auto repair. Your service advisor will make sure the parts used won’t compromise the safety of your vehicle.

Don’t leave your St. Peter service center without your paperwork, either. Ask about warranties for parts and labor. You may need these for claims or if there is a problem in the future. Get detailed explanations of the work done on your vehicle. These records will help you keep track of repairs, service and warranties.

Those records may also help close a deal when it comes time to sell your vehicle. After all, the biggest concern most people in St. Peter have when buying a used vehicle is that they are inheriting someone else’s problems.

Records of repairs and service are a good picture of your vehicle’s condition and performance and what problems a new owner can expect. People are always happier to purchase a vehicle they know has been well-maintained. Whenever we climb into a vehicle, we are entrusting our health and safety to it. Perhaps it’s time to take our vehicles’ health a little more seriously. Open up; ask and learn.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082


PCV Valve Service at Autotronics of St. Peter in St. Peter

Today, we are talking about your PCV valve. Unburnt fuel is forced into the crankcase as your engine runs.  The PCV (positive crankcase ventilation) valve vents this unburnt fuel and oil vapors from the crankcase and sends it back into the air intake system to be burned in the engine.  A clogged PCV will not allow these vapors to escape. This can dilute and contaminate the oil, leading to damaging engine oil sludge. It can also cause vehicle engine corrosion, something we see occasionally at Autotronics of St. Peter. At high speeds on MN freeways, the pressure can build up to the point that gaskets and seals start to leak.

Back in the old days, vehicles were simply installed with a hose that vented these gases out into the atmosphere. But starting in the 1964 model year, environmental protection laws required that these gases be recycled back into the air intake system to be mixed with fuel and burned in the vehicle’s engine.

This is much better for air quality and improves fuel economy also. (Budget-conscious St. Peter drivers take note!) The little valve that performs this important function is the PCV valve. The PCV valve lets  gases out of the engine, but won’t let anything back in. Over time, the vented gases will gum up the PCV valve and it won’t work well. That can lead to all of the problems I’ve already described, oil leaks, excessive oil consumption and decreased fuel economy.

Fortunately, it’s very easy to test the PCV Valve at Autotronics of St. Peter in St. Peter and quick and inexpensive to replace. Even so, it’s often overlooked because many St. Peter vehicle owners don’t know about it. Check your vehicle owner’s manual or ask your Autotronics of St. Peter service advisor. If this is the first time you’ve heard of a PCV valve, you might be in line for a replacement.

There’s another aspect to the PCV system. In order for the valve to work correctly, it needs a little clean air to come in. This is done through a breather tube that gets some filtered air from the engine air filter. Now some vehicles have a small separate air filter for the breather tube called the breather element. That’ll need to be replaced at Autotronics of St. Peter when it gets dirty.

Please ask your St. Peter service advisor about your PCV valve. For the price of a couple of burger combo meals in St. Peter, you can avoid some very engine repairs.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082