Automotive Tips from Autotronics of St. Peter: Timing Belt Overview

In your engine, valves over each combustion chamber open to allow fresh air in, close during the combustion event, and then other valves open to let out the exhaust. All of this happens over and over thousands of times a minute when you are driving around St. Peter. The timing belt’s important job is to make sure that all of this happens as it should – at precisely the right time. If the timing is off, your engine won’t run efficiently or maybe not at all – so a good timing belt is important. If it should break, you could end up at Autotronics of St. Peter with expensive engine damage.

Ask your friendly and professional Autotronics of St. Peter service advisor when your timing belt is scheduled for replacement.

Give us a call.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082

Hey St. Peter Drivers: How Do You Save Gas?

Higher St. Peter fuel prices aren’t going away any time soon. That’s not good news for our wallets. A lot of St. Peter drivers are trying to find ways to cut down on fuel consumption and hang on to some of their hard-earned money.

North Americans drive billions of miles less during months of high fuel prices. That’s right, billions. Of course MN vehicle owners can’t stop driving altogether, so we still need to find other ways to cut fuel bills.

Preventive maintenance at Autotronics of St. Peter in St. Peter and good vehicle care can actually pay for themselves by lowering our fuel consumption. Here’s a real-life example of how that can work.

A family planned a four-day camping trip. Before leaving, they took their SUV into Autotronics of St. Peter for an oil change. They flushed the cooling system, serviced all three differentials and cleaned the fuel system. They replaced the PCV valve and breather element. Then they checked the tires to ensure they had enough air.

This was several hundred dollars in maintenance and repair. You may be thinking how the family could possibly recoup the cost in gas and save money. First of all, the repairs all needed to be done anyway. Even if the costs aren’t recouped, many of them will pay for themselves by preventing even more costly repairs later. Also, the family had planned and budgeted for the routine maintenance, so it didn’t cut into their trip allowance.

The SUV pulled a one-ton trailer and hauled everything the family needed on their camping trip. At the end of the trip, the owner was surprised to learn the SUV had actually gotten better gas mileage than it ever had before—even with that heavy load. The repairs and maintenance at Autotronics of St. Peter had improved the gas mileage by 25%! The family saved $48.00 in gas on their four-day trip. And they are continuing to reap rewards from the improved mileage.

So what can you do to save fuel? First, stay caught up on routine maintenance at Autotronics of St. Peter. Almost every maintenance item listed in your owner’s manual will maintain or improve your fuel economy. Second, take your vehicle into Autotronics of St. Peter for scheduled tune-ups. And third, take care of needed repairs. You may be surprised at how much you save at the pump and probably with the improved vehicle performance as well.

If your Check Engine light is on, find out why and take care of it. Some of the problems that set off that warning light can seriously reduce fuel efficiency.

As you schedule preventive maintenance, don’t forget your tires. Proper tire pressure and wheel alignment are both essential to good fuel economy.

Here’s some more auto advice about some simple things you can do to improve fuel economy, beyond maintenance and repairs:

Dump the junk. More weight in your car equals more fuel. You’d be surprised how much stuff people carry around in their cars. That adds up to a lot of extra fuel. One hundred pounds of extra stuff in your vehicle can add up to the loss of one mile per gallon of fuel.

Get the lead out. No, don’t speed up, slow down. Get the lead out of your right foot. The single biggest drain for most St. Peter vehicles is speeding or sudden accelerations. Slow down and go easy on turns and lane changes, and don’t treat every stoplight and stop sign like a green flag. These small changes can add up to quite a bit of change in your pockets.

We haven’t mentioned the pills you can drop in your gas tank or special devices you can hook on your fuel line in order to increase fuel efficiency. There’s a simple reason for that: they don’t exist. There may be some truth behind some of these claims, but most of them are full-out scams. And if any of these things do actually help, it’s not nearly as much as the things we’ve listed here.

Be smart. Your vehicle and your wallet will thank you for it.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082

Does My Choice in Oil Affect Change Intervals?

Oil changes are probably the most recognized service on a vehicle. Almost all St. Peter residents know about them. But do we know enough?

Several decades ago, oil changes were fairly standard: every three months or 3,000 miles or 5,000 kilometers. But recent advances in both engine technology and oil quality have led to longer oil change intervals.

Delayed or skipped oil changes are a problem for St. Peter residents because they lead to the build-up of oil sludge in your engine. Oil sludge forms when engine oil breaks down, which happens with both time and miles. Obviously, driving will take its toll on engine oil, but the oil also breaks down even as the vehicle just sits in the garage. This is why oil change intervals are listed in both time and distance traveled, and the phrase “whichever comes first” is applicable.

Oil sludge is essentially petroleum jelly. Imagine this stuff squishing around in your vehicle engine, pushing into small engine passageways and blocking passage of oil to vital engine parts, shortening your engine’s life expectancy.

To prevent sludge, you have to get your oil changed regularly, as often as the manufacturer recommends. Check your owner’s manual for every vehicle you own to know the interval for each one. Don’t assume they will be the same.

If you tow a trailer, haul heavy loads, make a lot of short trips around St. Peter, usually engage in stop-and-go (or around-the-town) driving, drive in cold or hot MN weather, or drive in polluted or dusty conditions, you may need to change your oil more frequently. Check your vehicle’s owner’s manual for a “severe service” recommendation.

If the manual doesn’t give you the advice you need, talk to your friendly and knowledgeable Autotronics of St. Peter service advisor. He will be able to answer any questions about preventive maintenance or vehicle care that you may have, including how often to change your oil.

St. Peter residents need to get the right weight and type of oil recommended for their vehicles. More and more are using synthetic oil in their vehicles. Synthetic oil typically lasts longer and is more resistant to sludge formation than conventional motor oil. But it is also more expensive. So it can be tempting for St. Peter residents to ask for conventional oil, but if you replace synthetic oil with conventional oil, you will have to change your oil more often to prevent sludge build-up. In the end, you’re probably not saving money at all.

Also, your engine may not be designed for the conventional oil. Check your owner’s manual before replacing synthetic oil with conventional.

Talk to your Autotronics of St. Peter service advisor for more information.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082