Speak Up: Talking with Your Autotronics of St. Peter Service Advisor

About 80% of the vehicles on St. Peter roads today are behind on their preventive maintenance schedules. That translates to about 160 million vehicles in the United States that aren’t performing as well as they could be – thousands right here in MN. Some of the maintenance issues are minor. Others represent serious safety concerns.

There are many reasons St. Peter drivers neglect their routine car care. Some of the more common ones are complacency, lack of confidence, lack of trust and budget issues.

Modern vehicles are amazingly reliable compared to their older counterparts. They can run for years without any repairs, and we sometimes translate that to mean they don’t need any maintenance. The trouble is that without maintenance, parts in the vehicle are gradually wearing out, fluids are getting dirty, oil is developing sludge — a lot of stuff is happening that we can’t see, and it is destroying the vehicle. The first time we learn there is a problem, we have a major repair bill on our hands.

Older vehicles just couldn’t keep going without frequent maintenance; they broke down without timely vehicle care. Modern vehicles are designed to keep running even when they’re not fully healthy. Unfortunately, that convenience has led some of us to become complacent and ignore vehicle care — until we have to fix something. And fixing something today takes a whole lot more than it used to.

Some people in St. Peter just don’t feel comfortable taking their vehicles to their local St. Peter service center. They don’t know much about engines or auto mechanics, so they don’t know what questions to ask. They don’t want to appear foolish or ignorant.

Your physician doesn’t expect you to understand what a ligament is or how it works. But if you have a problem with one, she’s going to explain to you what it is, what’s wrong with it and how it can be fixed. It’s in her best interest as well as yours to do so. You’ll both feel more comfortable with the treatment.

That’s what you can expect from the pros at Autotronics of St. Peter. They have to be highly trained and work with a lot of complex, high-tech systems. They don’t expect their St. Peter customers to understand car care. So ask questions. You need auto advice from a service specialist, just as you need medical advice from a doctor and financial advice from a financial advisor.

Which brings us to the next concern: trust. A lot of rumors fly around St. Peter about auto repair scams. You may have heard about some local auto shops taking advantage of customers and replacing parts that weren’t broken. Frankly, this is just bad business practice. St. Peter auto service centers won’t stay in business long if they’re engaged in this type of activity.

It’s in the best interest of St. Peter service centers to diagnose a problem correctly and fix it right the first time. That’s how they keep their businesses open.

Trust must be earned. But just as it took time for you to establish a relationship and rapport with your doctor, it will take time to build a relationship with your service center.

Also, realize that when your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Autotronics of St. Peter recommends routine maintenance, he is generally relying on your vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations. In other words, your trust lies both with your service advisor and your vehicle manufacturer. You’ll find that most of the service recommendations from Autotronics of St. Peter you receive coincide with what’s in your manual.

Those recommendations were set up by the engineers who designed your vehicle, not Autotronics of St. Peter. The team at Autotronics of St. Peter is just offering you a friendly reminder — a helpful reminder really, since most of us don’t post our owner’s manuals to our calendars.

Money is behind most neglect of vehicle maintenance. First, they worry that they can’t afford it. Second, they worry that they’re being overcharged.

The simple truth is, car care is like health care. We can’t afford not to have it. Preventive maintenance is cheap compared to repair work. It extends the lives of our vehicles and saves us money on fuel. It also makes our vehicles safer to drive, which can prevent accidents. Putting off preventive maintenance can be very expensive.

St. Peter area service centers have to be competitive. Like any business, they can’t afford to overcharge customers or they go out of business. But vehicle care today does cost more in MN than it used to. Vehicles are more sophisticated, complex and high-tech. That means technicians have to be better trained. They have to purchase high-tech diagnostic equipment and tools. They have to keep up with the latest advances in vehicle engineering and subscribe to computer databases. Like any business, they also have labor costs, insurance, rent, utilities, taxes, office supplies, etc.

If you are strapped for cash, Autotronics of St. Peter can offer auto advice to help you keep your car running safely and manage your budget. For example, let’s say you need new brake pads, transmission service and a new cabin air filter. A technician can’t ethically recommend you delay brake service: that creates a safety hazard for you and other St. Peter drivers. You need to get that done now. But they can let you know if the transmission service can wait a month and how long you can put off changing the cabin air filter. They can also estimate what these services will cost. That gives you the time and information you need to save up for the other services.

The key to modern car care is preventive maintenance. Our modern vehicles are safer, more fuel efficient and more reliable than ever before. But to keep them that way St. Peter drivers have to be more proactive about caring for them. It’s good to know there are knowledgeable professionals at Autotronics of St. Peter who can help us do just that.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082

Timing Belt Service to Save Big Bucks in St. Peter

Your engine is like a finely choreographed dance. All the parts have to work together. If the timing is off at the ballet, dancers crash into each other and fall down. It the timing is off in your engine, it may not run at all. One of the most intricate dances in your engine has to do with the combustion cycle.

Your vehicle engine has cylinders in which a piston travels up and down. At the top of the cylinders are valves that open to bring in the air and fuel. And there are valves that open to let out the exhaust after the fuel has been burned.

Call Autotronics of St. Peter at 507.934.9290 for answers about your timing belt, or drop by our St. Peter, MN, service center on 111 Jefferson Avenue.

It’s critical that the values be timed to open and close at precisely the right time in the combustion cycle, or the engine will run poorly or not at all.

The timing belt is responsible for rotating the shafts that control the valves. It’s vital and precision work. Timing belts are made of very tough, flexible material. They can last a long time. But they eventually wear out and can break. The consequences can be disastrous.

In some engines, the valves actually protrude far enough into the cylinders that they could come in contact with the piston. If the timing belt breaks, the pistons will smash into the valves. Valves get bent or broken. If the engine is spinning fast enough, the broken parts will shred the cylinder head as well. Repairing this damage can cost several thousand dollars.

It’s a sad day when this happens; especially since it usually can be avoided. Manufacturers have issued recommendations for when you should replace your timing belt. For some engines, it’s at 60,000 miles/97,000 km. For others it’s at 90,000 miles/145,000 km or more. If you’re approaching 60,000 miles/97,000 km or have passed it, make sure you check your owner’s manual or with your St. Peter auto service advisor at Autotronics of St. Peter for when the timing belt should be replaced. Don’t let this one slip by.

Now some timing belts are visible and can be inspected. Others are hidden under a protective cover and are hard to get to. Some timing belts also drive the water pump. If you have a leaky water pump, the coolant will contaminate the timing belt and could make it fail sooner. So if you have this kind of engine, get it in to Autotronics of St. Peter for an inspection right away if you have a coolant leak.

Most people in the St. Peter area with this engine design end up with a new timing belt when they replace the water pump. And when you’re having your timing belt replaced on schedule, check with your Autotronics of St. Peter auto service advisor to see if it makes sense to install a new water pump, even if it isn’t currently having problems, since most of the labor is already being done any way for the timing belt replacement.

As a heads up; larger engines will often have metal timing chains rather than belts. The chains don’t need to be replaced like belts.

We’ve already told you how very expensive it can be to get your car running again after a timing belt fails. You also need to know that replacing the timing belt is very labor intensive and is one of the most costly maintenance services you will have. So if you will be at the point where your timing belt should be replaced in the next year or so, ask for an estimate from Autotronics of St. Peter in St. Peter, MN, so you can begin to prepare for the expense.

We at Autotronics of St. Peter, your St. Peter service center, can be a valuable partner. Please take advantage of our knowledge and experience.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082

How Much is Enough for St. Peter Auto Owners? Tire Tread Depth

Most St. Peter drivers know that tires wear out and that the wear has to do with tread depth. Most of us have heard that “bald” tires are dangerous, but most of us picture a tire with no tread at all when we think of a bald tire. And when we take our vehicles in for preventive maintenance, the technician tells us they’re need to be replaced long before all the tread is worn off. Just <a href="http://autotronicsstpeter.com” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>how much tire tread wear is too much? And how can you tell? Tires are and their condition is important to the safe handling of a vehicle, so it’s for St. Peter vehicle owners to know the answers to these questions.

First of all, it’s important to understand that there may be a legal limit to tread wear. If your tires are worn past this limit, you have to replace them to be in compliance with MN auto safety laws. That’s why measuring your tread wear is part of a vehicle safety inspection.

In some jurisdictions, tread must be at least 1.6 millimeters or 2/32 of an inch thick. This standard has been in effect since 1968. But this standard has recently been called into question, and some MN professionals are arguing that it be changed.

The safety issue that has brought this standard under scrutiny is the ability of a vehicle to stop on a wet surface. When a vehicle has trouble stopping, most St. Peter drivers immediately look at the brakes as the source of the problem. But tires are crucial to safe stopping distances because they provide the traction required in a stop.

A tire’s contact with the road surface creates traction, which allows for effective braking. On a wet surface, a tire only has traction if it can get to the road’s surface. So tire tread is designed to channel water out from under the tire to allow it to stay in contact with the road. If the tire can’t shift the water, then it starts to “float.” This condition is called hydroplaning. It is very dangerous for St. Peter drivers since the vehicle won’t stop no matter how hard the driver presses the brakes. Steering control is also lost.

A recent study tested the stopping ability of a passenger car and a full-sized pick-up on a road surface covered with only a dime’s depth of water (less than a millimeter). The vehicles were traveling at 70 mph (112 kph) when they stopped on the wet surface. At 2/32 (1.6 mm) tread depth, the stopping distance was double that of a new tire. The passenger car was still traveling at 55 mph (89 kph) when it reached the stopping distance it experienced with new tires.

Let’s suppose that you’re on a busy St. Peter road in a light drizzle and a vehicle stops suddenly in front of you. You just bought new tires and you brake hard, missing the vehicle with only inches to spare. If you hadn’t bought those new tires, you would have crashed into that vehicle at 55 mph (89 kph). That is a major difference.

What if your tires had a tread depth of 4/32 (3.2 mm)? You would have crashed into that vehicle at 45 mph (72 kph). Still not a good situation. But it’s better.

Now what if you were driving that pick-up truck? You wouldn’t have missed that vehicle in the first place, and you would have crashed at higher rates of speed in both of the other scenarios. The heavier your vehicle, the longer its stopping distance. It’s a matter of physics.

The results of this test has led Consumer Reports and others to ask that the standard for tread wear be changed from 2/32 (1.6 mm) to 4/32 (3.2 mm). The increased standard will improve safety on the road and save lives here in MN and nationally.

Of course, until the standard changes, you’ll have to decide whether you’ll be willing to replace your tires a little sooner.

You can use an American quarter to tell if your tread wear is down to 4/32 (3.2 mm). Place the quarter into the tread with George’s head toward the tire and his neck toward you. If the tread doesn’t cover George’s hairline, you’re under 4/32 (3.2 mm). With a Canadian quarter, the tread should cover the digits of the year.

You can measure the 2/32 inch (1.6 mm) tread wear with a penny. If the tread touches the top of Abe’s head, it’s at 2/32 (1.6 mm). Tires are super important when it comes to vehicle care. But their condition has a major impact on safety. We need to decide whether to sacrifice safety for economy. Keeping our tread wear above 4/32 in (3.2 mm) is good auto advice.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082