Beware Dangers of Spring Driving (Seasonal Driving Tips)

Sure, winter is quickly fading in the rearview mirror, but the peril of icy roads is replaced with a whole new set of driving challenges in spring.

Deer and other wildlife. You are not the only one who gets spring fever.  Animals do, too, and spring is the time they start looking for mates and food.  Be extra careful at dawn and dusk when deer are especially active.  Hitting a deer (or having them jump into your path suddenly) is a frightening experience, and even a deer/vehicle collision at slow speeds can cause injury and/or loss of life for both animal and humans, let alone expensive damage to the vehicle.  Be extra vigilant during spring.

The angle of the light.  As the seasons progress, you’ll notice sun angles change.  The sun is rising earlier every morning and setting later at light.  When the sun is low in the sky, that glare can render you almost completely blind.  Make sure your windows and windshield are clean; don’t forget the inside glass, too, which can build up a haze over the winter. 

Potholes. The freezing and thawing of pavement is shockingly effective at busting up asphalt and concrete. The holes left behind can seem like moon craters, and if you hit one or more hard, they can cause you to lose control of your vehicle, increasing your chances of an accident.  They also can cause some significant damage to your vehicle. If you feel your vehicle pulling to one side, notice it has a rough ride or hear noises you haven’t heard before, have your suspension’s integrity inspected at your vehicle service facility.    

Children playing.  Kids are excited to get back outside, running wild, playing with balls and toys… just being kids.  These newly-rediscovered outside thrills can also steal away their attention from what’s going on around them and they may dart out onto the street before you know it. Spring is a time to be vigilant and devote extra concentration to roads and neighborhoods. 

Spring is such a breath of fresh air. Remember to be super careful of a whole new set of hazards winter made you forget about for a while.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082

The Vivacious Vernal Vehicle (Preparing Vehicle for Spring)

Most of us look forward to spring because the days are longer, the weather’s warmer and we can finally get our vehicles into warm weather mode.  Here are a few things that will breathe fresh energy into anyone’s car, SUV, truck or van.

First thing is a good cleaning, especially underneath. If you live where salt and brine are used on the roads, it’s important to get that off.  One thing to note… if you hose off your undercarriage, be careful not to get your spark plugs/wires wet.  You could notice your vehicle running rough plus the Check Engine light may come on. It usually dries out quickly, but if the engine light stays on for more than a couple of days, have your service facility check it out.

Next, replace your windshield wipers.  They’ve taken a beating through the winter. New ones will have fresh rubber and you’ll see clearly (and safely) out your windshield again.

Have your brakes inspected.  That salt doesn’t do your brake’s metal components any good.  Have a technician make sure your pads and rotors are clean and properly lubricated so they can stop you when you ask them to.

Speaking of wheels, it’s a good time to have your tires checked, too.  Road debris and potholes can take a toll on tread and sidewalls. It may also be a good idea to have a technician check your alignment since you likely have hit something pretty hard on a patch of rough road at some time during the winter.

Make sure your tire pressure is appropriate for the rising temperatures. As the outside air warms up, your tire pressure climbs without you adding any air.  Make sure it’s what the manufacturer recommends.

Finally, treat your vehicle’s interior to a thorough refresh.  Those floor mats and carpets may be white with salt; clean ’em up.  Get rid of wrappers, drink lids, empty water bottles and anything else that’s fallen down.  And if you need to, have your upholstery cleaned so it looks and smells new. A clean exterior is nice, but since you spend your time inside your vehicle, it’ll feel even better when your cabin is sparkling fresh.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082

St. Peter Exhaust and Emissions Service

Many St. Peter residents don’t realize that there is more to exhaust system maintenance than just tailpipes and mufflers, if you can see smoke or if it’s too loud. Exhaust service at a full-service automotive center like Autotronics of St. Peter is really a lot more comprehensive these days.

For example, in the U.S., the federal government required catalytic converters for all cars in 1976 and on-board emission control computers in 1990. MN and federal emissions requirements have forced manufacturers to come up with much more sophisticated ways to comply with environmental laws. This also goes for cars sold in Canada.

So, exhaust service has really become exhaust and emissions service. High-tech computer-controlled emissions devices are now necessary. And because it’s so sophisticated, we recommend having your emission system checked out by a qualified technician, like the ones we have at Autotronics of St. Peter, regularly to make sure everything’s working right – which is usually every six months or 6,000 miles/10,000 kilometers.

If your ‘check engine light’ comes on while you are driving around the St. Peter area, especially if it’s flashing, then you need to bring your car into Autotronics of St. Peter ASAP. Chances are it’s an emission related problem. Signs of exhaust or emissions trouble include difficulty starting, engine noise or smoke.

We hope this hasn’t been too ‘exhausting’ of a discussion. Remember that a properly functioning exhaust system is for MN’s health and safety. Talk with your friendly and knowledgeable service advisor at Autotronics of St. Peter in St. Peter if you think you might need your exhaust system checked. A quick look can sure save a lot of pain down the road.

Autotronics of St. Peter
111 Jefferson Avenue
St. Peter, MN 56082